Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Arthritic Pain - How We Are Programmed - turn the Programming and Eliminate the Pain

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We all want the best for our children don't we? We want them to succeed in life, to be healthy and happy, confident and to have good friends. We want them to do well at school and pass their exams. Go on to College and University and get a degree, to do great than we did, to be occupation minded and have a extremely paid job with good prospects.

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How is Arthritic Pain - How We Are Programmed - turn the Programming and Eliminate the Pain

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Physical Therapy Colleges.

Go out into the world and travel, meet person extra and fall in love and get married and have children (grandchildren), and live a long and happy life...

Now that's a shopping list - isn't it? But it's what we all basically want for our children, to be great than us, to accomplish greater things, to have more than we could afford...

And in order to get them there we mould them with our dreams and desires, we push and motivate and cajole and maybe even bribe them to doing more, doing it right now, before you do anyone else, because I say so that's why...

If you could rewind the clock of time, would you do anyone differently? Would you turn your approach, your attitude or the way that you rejoinder to your children or life's problems?

Remember, that you are living out your life based on the programming that you inherited and developed from your parents when you were growing up, in your surroundings, with your relatives and, it was so dissimilar then wasn't it? So why have you programmed your children to be less than you would have them aspire to, fall below your expectations and then blame them for their failures? Stop, right there, before you unleash your programming onto me and let me elucidate ...

Firstly, what do we mean by programming? Every thought, feeling, emotion and belief that we have, how confident we are, how safe we feel, how we process information, interact with people or groups of people, how we react and rejoinder to life's issues, easily all things that we think, do and say are all programmed responses and belief systems based on and created by the vast input of data we have received and perceived straight through our senses, which are then continually compounded on a daily basis, it's an ongoing and never ending process.

Is that heavy or what? Let me give you some background data and take you right back to when all of this starts and go transmit from there....

Conscious/Subconscious Programming

The aware mind is the thinking you; it is the creative mind that expresses free will. It's the equivalent of a 40-bit processor in that it can cope the input from about 40 nerves per second. In contrast, the subconscious mind is a super computer loaded with a database of pre-programmed behaviours. It is a remarkable 40-million-bit processor, interpreting and responding to over 40 million nerve impulses every second. Some programs are derived from genetics: these are our instincts. However, the vast majority of the subconscious programs are acquired and created straight through our early childhood studying experiences.

How are Programmes created?

As babies and juveniles our brain operates predominantly in delta and theta Eeg frequencies straight through the first six years of our lives. This low level of brain action is referred to as the hypno-gogic state or a hypnotic trance.

While in this hypnotic trance, a child does not have to be actively coached into exact behaviours. A child obtains their behavioural programming naturally by observing parents, siblings, peers and teachers.

In addition, a child's subconscious mind also downloads beliefs relating to self and the world nearby it. When a parent or trainer tells a young child he is sickly, stupid, bad or undeserving, this too is downloaded as a fact into the youngster's subconscious mind without question. These early-acquired experiences constitute to the building blocks of our belief systems onto which every other similar touch is attached.

The subconscious mind continually creates programmes nearby our daily activities and life experiences. studying to walk or talk or drive a car or ride a bike, these are all typical programmes. Remember how difficult it was when you were studying to drive? When was the last time that you consciously conception how to walk?

You don't have to tell your body which muscles to move or how to balance or to step over something, you just do it. That complex programme was all being learnt by the subconscious mind during the process of crawling, standing and walking and falling over and over again. It's now an self-acting programme that's running at an unconscious level, something that you take for granted.

The subconscious mind actively creates these programmes so that we can 'consciously' get on with our life and not be bothered with these mundane processes. The subconscious is just like a computer in this respect. You don't have to think about all of the software that's loaded onto the hard drive, you just click on a button and the programme is activated.

Trans-derivational Search

A Trans-derivational crusade is a technical term that naturally means, in order for you to consciously make sense or understand what you are doing at any time, your subconscious is automatically accessing your memories, experiences, feelings and emotions surrounding what you are seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. It easily searches for similar memories in order to correlate and make sense of what you are experiencing right now. It can file this new piece of data away in the correct place - something to 'refer' to in the future. This constant searching for data happens incredibly fast and may even elucidate why sometimes we react so fast to an touch or what person has said, that we regret our actions afterwards?

It may also elucidate why children are said to be 'just like sponges,' they easily digest all things without demand because they have nothing in their memory to 'refer' to. They accept all things as being true.

The subconscious mind is not a seat of reasoning; it is strictly a stimulus-response "play-back" device. The subconscious collects, files and market data from all of your senses, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It creates programmes from this data and then creates a belief system based on that information. When an environmental signal is perceived, the subconscious mind reflexively searches in your memories and then activates a previously stored behavioural response (programme) - no thinking required!

The insidious part of the autopilot mechanism is that subconscious behaviours are programmed to engage without the operate of or the notice by, the aware self. Neuroscientists have revealed that 95%-99% of our behaviour is under the operate of the subconscious mind. Consequently, we rarely contemplate these behaviours or much less know that they are even engaged.

It's the programming of our childhood that comes back to plague us as adults. Many people feel so stuck, ineffective and victimised, in spite of the fact that their aware intentions are focused upon success. We try and try to turn and get over things but find ourselves falling back into our old ways - why? Because of our childhood programming!

We have been led to believe that by using willpower, we can override these negative programs of our subconscious mind. Unfortunately, to do that, one must keep a constant vigil on one's own behaviour.

There is no observing entity in the subconscious mind reviewing the behavioural tapes. The subconscious is strictly a record-playback machine. Consequently, there is no discernment as to whether a subconscious behavioural agenda is good or bad, it is just a tape. The occasion you laps in consciousness, the subconscious mind will automatically engage and play its previously recorded, experience-based programs.

So, bearing in mind now just how susceptible we are as infants to the creation of programmes and belief systems that could restrict or limit our potential, and, in that 6 year period there are approximately 22,000 hours of potential programming time, would you do or say anyone differently?

One demand I get asked over and over again is this 'can anyone be done to turn our programming'? And the rejoinder to that is a resounding yes.

So why are memories painful?

Albert Einstein told us back in the 1920's that all things (including our bodies) is composed of energy, a fact that is standard by every scientist today. For over 5,000 years the aged Chinese, and many other cultures, believed that we all have an 'energy body', and that energy flows straight through this body along lines called 'meridians'. They believe that any 'blockage' or 'disruption' to the energy in the meridians causes trauma and illness. By releasing this energy along the meridians it will affect health.

In Ad 610 Chao Yuan Fang, the Imperial Professor of rehabilitation edited the first expert Chinese book on pathology, The Causes of Diseases, in fifty volumes. It recorded 1,270 dissimilar kinds of illness, explaining the symptoms, causes and therapeutic system of each. The piquant thing is that no appendices of herbs, drugs or other medical material were included, as was normal practice; only the manipulation and flow of the energy system was mentioned. Contemporary acupuncture, acupressure, as well as reflexology and other therapies, succeed this belief.

This belief about meridians wasn't standard in the West, basically, because you cannot see the meridian lines in the body, they aren't physical. Technically, they don't exist, even if you were to dissect the body you wouldn't see them. However, in 1985, Vernejoul, a French researcher, changed all that. He injected a radioactive tracer dye into acupuncture points. The resulting pattern of dye clearly showed the original meridian lines. When the dye was injected into non-acupuncture points, no lines appeared. See (Vernejoul, P, et al (1985) Etudes des meridians d'acupuncture par les tracuers radioctifs).

It is my belief that whenever we touch an emotional shock or corporal abuse, easily anyone that causes us to be emotionally upset, our energy system is disrupted at that very instant and stops flowing smoothly. The subconscious mind, always to hand, and always monitoring everything, automatically locks this disrupted energy pattern with the emotional memory of the whole touch and files it away. The next time you focus on the exact traumatic memory your subconscious will automatically bring back the disrupted energy pattern that was attached to it and you will re-experience the whole emotional trauma again and, by doing that, you will automatically disrupt your whole energy system again. The subconscious mind will automatically save this new conception with your newly disrupted energy system, and attach it to the original traumatic memory, thus compounding it. Every time this memory is re-experienced it feels as if the original qoute is getting worse. You are easily sending more disrupted energy to the problem, giving it more credibility and locking it in place within your memory and body. This is how a traumatic event gets blown out of all proportion and impacts on other areas of your life.

Those memories or lifestyles that cause you to be stressed, upset, hurt, angry, frustrated or bothered in any way can disrupt the energy pattern attached to those memories. That energy cannot be utilised by the body for other functions and becomes a drain on your body. people often say that they feel 'low,' they don't have any 'energy' or are 'out of salts' or 'tired and fed up with life.' publish this disrupted energy and the body returns to a happy balanced normality.

So why do we Age?

Remember, that straight through the first six years of our lives we are in a hypnotic trance and that a child obtains their behavioral programming naturally by observing parents, siblings, grandparents, peers and teachers.

In addition, a child's subconscious mind will create a very remarkable belief when their parent tells them that their grandparents are old and frail, that their hair goes grey and falls out, that they have false teeth, arthritis in the joints, poor eyesight, their memory is getting worse and are prone to illness, pains and get wrinkly skin etc., this too is downloaded as a fact into the youngster's subconscious mind without question.

These early-acquired experiences constitute to the very building blocks of our belief systems onto which every other similar touch is attached. A child has only to see and contemplate a grandparent or an old person to verify the belief and progress it. We are all programmed in this ageing belief and it is no wonder that our subconscious mind delivers what it believes to be true. The belief is set in stone and compounded throughout our whole life, especially when we retire from work at age 65 because we are too old to carry on working!

Thoughts, Beliefs and our Body (Quantum Physics)

What would it mean to contemplate that all things from the Dna of life, to the hereafter of our world, is based upon a easy "Reality Code" that may be changed and be upgraded by choice? Until recently, it was conception that genes were self-actualising meaning genes could turn themselves on and off. As a result, most people today believe they are genetic automatons, and that their genes operate their lives.

The explore of Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D introduces a radical new understanding of cell science. The new biology reveals that we 'control' our genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that the environment, and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment directly controls the action of our genes. This explains why people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities. It easily is about "mind over matter".

This new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough is basic in all medical because it recognizes that when we turn our perception or beliefs we send totally dissimilar messages to our cells, causing a reprogramming of their expression.

Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D says that this new science is called Epigenetic. It's been nearby for about 19 years (1990), but it's just now being introduced to the normal public. For example, The American Cancer society is an club that has been looking for cancer genes for the last 50 years or so. But they've found that only about 5 percent of cancer has genetic linkage, leaving 95% that is not genetically linked. Recently the American Cancer society released a statistic that said 60 percent of cancer is avoidable by changing lifestyle and diet. So now they are telling us, "It's the way you live, it's not your genes."

Within every one of our bodies at this very moment, there are billions of stem cells, embryonic cells designed to fix or replace damaged tissues and organs. However, the action and fate of these regenerative cells are epigenetically controlled. That means they are profoundly influenced by our thoughts and perceptions about the environment. Hence our beliefs about aging can whether interfere with or enhance stem cell function, causing us to physiologically regeneration or decline.

Cooperation and society are easily the basic system of evolution, as well as the basic system of cell biology. The human body represents the cooperative endeavor of a society of fifty trillion single cells. A community, by definition, is an club of individuals committed to supporting a shared vision. data from the environment is transferred to the cell via the cell membrane. Scientists conception that the cell nucleus was the brain of the cell. But in 1985 Dr Bruce Lipton Ph. D discovered that the membrane is easily the brain of the cell. The nucleus, as it turns out, is easily the reproductive centre.

The cell membrane (memory-brain!) monitors the health of the environment and then sends signals to the genes to engage cellular mechanisms, which in turn, supply for its survival. In the human body, the brain sends messages to the cell's membrane to operate its behavior and genetic activity. This is how the mind, via the brain, controls our biology.

For example, an foremost discipline in the health sciences is referred to as
Psycho-neuroimmunology. easily this term means: the mind (psycho-) controls the brain (neuro-), which in turn, controls the immune system (immunology). This is how the placebo succeed works!

When the mind perceives that the environment is safe and supportive, the cells focus on growth. Cells need increase in order to pronounce the body's healthy functioning. However, when confronted by stress, cells adopt a defensive safety posture. When that happens, the body's energy resources, ordinarily used to reserve growth, are diverted to systems that supply protection. The succeed is that increase processes are restricted or suspended. While our systems can adapt periods of acute (brief) stress, prolonged or persisting stress is debilitating because the body's energy demands interfere with the maintenance it requires, and this is what leads to dysfunction and disease.

In a state of shock or fear, stress hormones turn the flow of blood in the brain. Under normal, healthy situations, blood flow in the brain is preferentially focused in the forebrain, the site of aware control. However, in stress, the forebrain blood vessels constrict, forcing the blood to the hindbrain, the centre of subconscious reflex control. Simply, in fear mode we become more reactive and less intelligent.

Dr. Masaru Emoto

From Dr. Emoto's work we are in case,granted with factual evidence, that human energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular buildings of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same estimate of our planet.

Dr Emoto has found that by placing a piece of paper with a word written on it will turn the molecular buildings of the water. A drop of the water is then settled in a dish and frozen. The resulting ice crystal is then observed straight through a Dark Field microscope. When beautiful and harmonious words are used like love or happiness, beautiful symmetrical crystals are observed. However, when words like hate or anger are written on the paper, the succeed on the water crystal is quite different. The crystals appear all disfigured and twisted.

To test this phenomenon Dr Emoto swapped the two labels nearby and found that the effects were reversed. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, the ability and integrity is vitally foremost to all forms of life. The body is very much like a toady and is composed of trillions of cells that hold liquid. The ability of our life is directly linked to the ability of our water.

Water is a very malleable substance. Its corporal shape easily adapts to anyone environment is present. But its corporal appearance is not the only thing that changes, the molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will turn the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.

Our very thoughts, feelings, emotions and belief systems, if negative or limiting, will have a direct succeed on our cells and immune system. This is yet more proof that we easily are what we think! By making energetic changes we can the programming that created these negative beliefs and drastically enhance every cell of our bodies to living a happier, healthier and longer life, now...

Dr. Bradley Nelson - "The Emotion Code"

Dr. Nelson, author of "The Emotion Code," believes that much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become 'trapped' within us, ordinarily in our joints, when we are upset or stressed. Each emotion has a unique frequency and, when trapped in the body, causes the surrounding tissue frequency to change. This causes a disruption which leads to pain.

It is also Dr. Nelson's touch that a valuable division of all corporal illnesses, emotional difficulties and self-sabotage are easily caused by these unseen energies. When we clear these trapped emotions the corporal symptoms goes away.

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