Sunday, July 8, 2012

Seven Reasons Why College Grads Can't Find a Job

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Approximately 3.5 million students graduate from college each year. However, most habitancy don't realize that more than a million of those students fail to find a good job, a job that pays well and has work potential. In fact, in tough times, the estimate of unemployed or underemployed college graduates can no ifs ands or buts advent two million.

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How is Seven Reasons Why College Grads Can't Find a Job

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Physical Therapy Colleges.

Importantly, there are clear and definite reasons why so many college seniors and modern graduates can't find a good job. Let me share some of them with you:

1. Beliefs and Expectations - Many students expect to receive a job offer, as the consequent of campus interviews. The truth is that very few students receive job offers from campus interviews. Therefore, if students aren't well prepared to escort a strong and competing job search, over a long period of time, they will be disappointed and frustrated.

Some students believe that seeing a job will be easy. They think that they will send out ten or twelve resumes, take a merge of interviews and man will offer them a good job. They are wrong. All students, even the best students, must compete for the good jobs. In tough times, when few jobs exist, the competition will be even greater. That means that good students may very well have to send out hundreds of resumes and take numerous interviews before they receive as decent job offer.

Students often believe that they can wait until the second semester of their senior year to start thinking about their job search. Not true. All things that students do throughout the college years should support their job quest goals. When students ignore the requirement for strong, long term preparation, they will lose out to best prepared students.

2. Grades - Employers tend to have operation requirements. If a student's cumulative median meets or exceeds the employer's requirements, the student may or may not be interviewed. However, if students don't meet boss requirements, they will not be interviewed. Furthermore, when there are many candidates, employers will often increase their minimum requirements.

Many employers use a Cum of 3.0 (B Average) as their minimum requirement. Other employers may have even higher requirements. Students with a 2.5 or lower median may find themselves lumped together with others in the lower third of their class. How many employers actively seek graduates from the lower third of the class? Not many.

3. Transportation Skills - Some students enter college with poor Transportation skills (reading, writing and speaking) and do microscopic to improve those skills during the college years. The best employers are not interested in students whose Transportation skills (Vocabulary, Grammar, Slang, Curses and Childish Language) will harm the company's image or interfere with job performance. Above median Transportation skills turn on employers. Poor Transportation skills turn them off. It's as uncomplicated as that.

4. Work sense - Employers love students who have been flourishing in the work environment. When students have been flourishing in a job that is directly linked to the employer's field of interest, that is a very important plus. Even work sense in a non-related field can work in the student's favor when they have made requisite contributions and have a variety of successes. However, students who have no work sense whatsoever will normally be carefully unproven entities. Many employers are not willing to take a chance on a student who has completed college without having been flourishing in a part-time or summer job.

5. Accomplishments and Results - The best employers put a great deal of stock in the results that students accomplish in the classroom, on campus, at work, in the community and within their freedom activities. When those results are strong, positive and can be tied directly to the job for which the student is applying, that is a strong recommendation. However, when students have median results, no results or results that are completely unrelated to their enterprise environment, employers will find it hard to see a reason to go forward. Stronger candidates will win out.

6. References - When a well known, very respected, qualified man provides a strong and enthusiastic reference, employers will be impressed. However, the best references will not contribute a strong personal endorsement when they don't know the student very well, haven't seen many excellent results or have had bad experiences with the student. References are not an afterthought, they are a requisite part of the job quest and must be cultivated and strengthened throughout the college years.

7. Preparation - Preparation for the senior year job quest should be a serious, well plan out, four year process, not a casual, last microscopic activity. Because most students get started too late, they can't meet boss expectations and requirements. In fact, most students never bother to identify the expectations and requirements of the employers they intend to pursue. When students don't know what employers want and need, they are very unlikely to satisfy those requirements. That's a big mistake.

Only students who understand what has to be done and diligently accomplish the Preparation steps, as they go through college, can hope to improve their chances for job hunting success. No student can wait until the senior year of college to try to do the things that should have been done in earlier years and expect to receive a great job offer.

The fact remains that employers offer good jobs to the students who have earned them. Students earn those jobs with a long series of actions, successes and accomplishments in the classroom, on campus, at work, in the community and in freedom activities. They give their target employers exactly what they need and want. To do this, a student's Preparation must be well-planned, methodical, broad and based on boss needs and expectations. When students complain that they can't find a job, it's very likely that those students have ignored many of these seven requirements.

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