Monday, September 3, 2012

The Voice Within - 7 Steps to growth Productivity

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How is The Voice Within - 7 Steps to growth Productivity

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Good Physical Therapy Colleges.

It has been proven that exploring staff productivity and execution in any enterprise will grow the enterprise for supplementary advancement.

How is this done and what means are used. What means are ready to the enterprise world? I.e. The attractiveness industry.

Is there a niche market within the attractiveness manufactures to scrutinize coaching relevance and point to gain staff productivity and performance?

One key element missing in this manufactures is personal advancement on all levels emotionally, spiritually and physically is worth exploring to gain advantage in the enterprise world. I.e. Being happy with one self.

Working one on one with staff member as to identify ones true self to improve productivity.

Learning straight through Life Coaching and enterprise Management, could this be the missing link?

Your staff are the front line focus and vision of any business, the staff is what the buyer sees on entering your business, their presence, image, knowledge without them you do not have a business. You can spend 00's of dollars on strategies without staff productivity and execution your enterprise does not move forward, most importantly you do not have a business.

Staff are more effective as they are in tune with oneself and more focused on their own objective, fixing the qoute at its core, thus everybody a win - win situation and gaining a huge market advantage on all levels. A happy work environment as the staff are happy with oneself firstly thus making it easier to meet fellowships objective and staying focused with out any out side influences, and all have a tasteless vision.

The most vital part of any enterprise is to implement staff strategies, planning, training and coaching.

Coaching into the attractiveness manufactures and see the relevance and importance.

Utilizing the Grow Module, enterprise management techniques to


Chapter 2 Method

Part 1 - To Gain knowledge and skills in coaching to advantage enterprise environment and increase staff productivity.

Part 2 - Implement staff training sessions/ How can you incorporate Coaching methods into staff productivity training and execution measures within the attractiveness Industry?

Part 3 - scrutinize interviews with authors of written works on the subject of self awareness and coaching as a whole and its point for staff productivity in the enterprise manufactures and its effectiveness.

Part 4 - Whilst learning skills and knowledge in enterprise management and amelioration and Life coaching. Is it effective and can be implemented to improve enterprise productivity and execution as to gain a market advantage and higher level of staff awareness on the subject of staff productivity in the attractiveness industry.

Part 5 - Results found from Pro Cuts Beenleigh Franchise, conducted one on one session with each staff member. Implement strategies and implement staff training sessions and article to management, providing evidence of effectiveness and gaining productivity within an eight week period.

Questionnaire (A)

1. What do you think is, the most leading part of your business? And why?
2. What state is your enterprise in at gift in way of productivity and staff performance
3. Where would you like it to be
4. Where should it be
5. What options have you tried in the past, in the form in expanding staff productivity? And has it worked for you, and at what cost?

Chapter 3
To Gain knowledge and skills in coaching

The estimate of information on coaching is enormous. Coaching has been nearby for many years and there is a wealth of knowledge at several colleges.

What defines a Life coach/ enterprise Coach?

A Life Coach/Business Coach gives habitancy belief and the capability to move forward in a safe bet manner in the areas of their life where they crave change.

Life Coaching /Business Coach are about breaking down the barriers, which preclude this change from happening and creating the ideal environment for safe bet operation to take place. It is a totally holistic arrival which looks at the gift and sets goals for a totally successful future.

Life/ enterprise Coaching begins with an awareness that every human is born with the capability to be, do or have, anyone they want in life. By the time we become adults, many of us have lost this ability. But eventually, we taste the feeling that our lives are drifting off procedure and that there must be something good than this.

Coaching can take place face to face of over the telephone. It can be used with inexpressive individuals or within a enterprise environment. Life Coaches can specialise in singular areas or offer a normal service. In essence, Life Coaching is a highly practical and transported skill which can be tailored to suit you and your clients.

Life/Business Coaching is a special relationship in the middle of a expertly trained coach and a client.
Coaches help habitancy from all walks of life and each relationship is unique. In every case, the outcome is that each client is more focused on their objectives and achieves these faster than if they worked alone. As a coach, you aid your clients to gain a fulfilling, successful and stress-free life.

A coach is non-critical and non-judgmental and guides the client to recognition of their own vast personal potential in a way that is far greater than the withhold of house or friends, whose views may be clouded by their own issues and problems. Coaches are totally committed to each client but sound an impartiality which allows them to clearly see the way forward and to encourage and monitor progress by stages.

Therapy and counseling generally deal with a singular or exact qoute by seeing to the past. Life coaching takes a more holistic approach. It deals with a whole life situation beginning from the present.

The coach helps each client to identify what they want in life and suggests strategies and tactics that will take the client from 'where they are now' to 'where they want to be'. This process assists the client's personal growth. They are no longer alone but have an ally who will work with them to compose good goals, withhold momentum, overcome setbacks and to steer towards success.

Coaches gain tremendous delight from their role and, as a by-product, progress their own development. Clients gain massive benefits in all areas of their life and relationships. The procedure is non-stressful with typical consultations by telephone at pre-arranged weekly intervals.

Life / enterprise Coaching originated in the Usa over a decade ago. It has recently gained social recognition in Australia and is enjoying splendid increase as more and more habitancy scrutinize the advantages for themselves.

Integrate/Identifying the need for coaching within the attractiveness industry

Some issues that have been identified with that could have used a coaching session to elevate an unhappy staff member, thus unproductive, whilst fixing the qoute and turning a negative into a safe bet and therefore having a happy more effective staff member.

(a) Emotional - financial, stress, surface influences, domestic, relationship.
(b) corporeal - stress, working extra hours, ill condition etc
(c) Spiritually - not in tune with one self, not knowing how to move forward, self assurance for one self, faith, and self growth.

The above found relevance for coaching to be used within this singular business, to improve productivity and performance.

Then being able to identify with the second step of coaching plan - the enterprise side of things. The main key to this is, you need to identify what makes your staff tick, what they desire, what drives them. All personel have something distinct that drives them, that little voice within, once you identify with that, you are able to work within that to gain a safe bet objective in productivity and performance.

Planning Coaching methods/sessions.

Identifying procedure structure for each personel is unique as it is to see one self.
To see and believe in their vision and desires.

Communication is vital in this process, this core skill; unless you devotee this skill you will never be able to deliver your clients expectations and desires.

Effective communication is made up of 5 key factors, you must be aware of you internal communication with yourself, you must understand external communication with others. effective communication is listening although not speaking; also you must speak a language your client understands, and ultimately body language.

Building a rapport with your client is also vital, integrity, sincerity, loyalty, and being in tune with your client, learning style, body language, tone of voice, and words.

Body Language
(Physiology 55%)
of communication

Tone Of Voice
(38% of communication) Volume, Tone, Pace, Pitch, Phrasing, Intonation

(Actual words used 7% communication)

Vhf Channels
Key words used:

Words optical - Look, gaze, view, watch, show, observe, focused, illuminate)

Hearing - Auditory - hear, sound, speak, tone, listen, recite, whisper)

Feeling - Kinesthetic - feel, touch, soft, relax, hold, sensation, comfortable, contact, warm)

Phrases - optical - I see what you mean, there is a light at end of the tunnel, yes get the picture.
Phrases - Hearing - I hear what you're saying, do you hear what you are saying?
Phrases - Feeling - I feel what you are saying, are you in touch with that, it doesn't get good than that.

Example of a coaching session using the above criteria and the use of the grow model.

o Lauren is a 4th year hairdresser, aged 19 year of age and has worked within this salon for four years since the start of her apprenticeship, and feels she is not going anywhere, and also feels she is not valued. She wants to become a trainer or manager within the attractiveness manufactures but feels she is not good enough.

o Lauren has been given a questionnaire form (The wheel of life) prior to session to gain this information, and for her to truly identify with them, Lauren for the first time could truly see how she felt and was significant for change. Firstly seeing at her self worth. By filling the wheel of life form and for the coach to gain knowledge on how to attain a safe bet outcome for her to feel self worth and start aiming at her true desire to be a trainer or manager.

Step one/session one is all the time self worth
Step two/session two desires goals/ reality check and options/ way forward
Step three/session three desires goals/ reality check and options/ way forward

Using the Grow Model for each session in a coaching session for one hour intervals
Using the techniques:

I Issue
G Goal
R reality Check
O options
W way forward

Always using the techniques, incisive questioning (words beginning with If), laser questioning (words beginning with when, what are), prompting and transformative questioning (helping the client to solve their own problems) the client to gain a safe bet prospective will again give a safe bet outcome.

Step One/ Session One - (Personal) First step to identify with is believe in one self worth, with out that the personel can not move forward to be in that special place of peace within then we are able to move forward so step one has nothing to do with skills, work, techniques this is unique to the individual.

Believe in one self worth - The point of improving self worth is vital. I have several books based on self awareness:

"Inside my heart" Robin McGraw, an honest look at making choices and taking accountability for your own life. To look at yourself past, gift so as to move into the future. Sometimes we do not want to look at oneself, but once we do, we can then move forward, being able o accept life's challenges no matter how challenged they are.

"Soul Stories" Gary Zukav a variety of real life stories who have been challenged and overcome great challenges, with belief in one self any thing is possible.

Louise Hay "You can heal your life companion Book", looks at the negatives in life and how we look at them, a straightforward book explaining to focus only onto the positives in life.
To take accountability in one's life to make change for the future.

Once you have the objective of the personel to look at one self and they have made the decision to make choices, take accountability for their goals, ambitions and desires, we are ready to move forward.

Step two/session two - (Business) after attaining the objective of - self worth, the next step is to set personal goals and enterprise goals, reality check, options and way forward.

Let's look at example - Lauren and her objective of the desire of becoming a trainer or manager.

Lauren: I was amazed at how seeing at myself for the first time, I could see I was unhappy with me and it was time to take accountability for my own life, and the need for change to move forward.

Coach: How does that make you feel now?
Lauren: Exhilarated, proud of whom I am and what I want.
Coach: What is it you want now and for the future for yourself?
Lauren: I want to become the manager of the salon
Coach: really, Why?
Lauren: because I deserve it, I have worked here for 4 years and have showed loyalty
Coach: so today's objective is what?
Lauren I would like you to help me attain that goal
Coach: How does it make you feel if you could attain the manager's position?
Lauren for filled and I would feel worthwhile within the enterprise that I had proved to my employers.
Coach: what steps could you take to make this happen?
Lauren: uhh apply, ask
Coach: ok, pause.....
Lauren: could I
Coach: could you? Pause....
Lauren: Uhh Yes
Coach: Lauren I would like to feel the feeling of being the manager and look within and feel how it feels, and then think of 6 steps you have taken or could take to regain that desire. Write them down if necessary
Lauren: for filled I truly want this position, I could ask, apply, write the benefits of why I should have this position and sell it to my employer, show initiative, show excitement, just say I deserve it.
Coach: great ok, let's look at that for a moment, what are you going to do about it
Lauren: I will do it, all of the steps I have just mentioned I have just been too worried they will say no
Coach: why would they?
Lauren I don't know
Coach: what do you think you should do now, let's look at your desire are you committed to this
Lauren: yes
Coach: When are you going to take the steps to get that position?
Lauren: I will apply today
Coach: ok, why?
Lauren: because I deserve it
Coach: you go girl, I am so proud of you for fighting straight through your fears, I have the utmost faith in you.
Lauren: thank you, you have helped me see I am worth it and yes I do deserve it.

At all times Lauren is in fee of her session and the coach is all the time in the background encouraging her never counseling, assuming or giving an objective or advice, it is totally up to Lauren to work straight through at her own pace to see the outcome, allowing transformation straight through her own answers deep within her, it is up to the coach to draw them out by way of questioning only, although the formula of questioning is vital.

Interview 1.

Coach and Client

Coach: Yvonne tell me, what is it you want from me today.
Client: My enterprise is not performing at the moment, I don't know if it is the staff or my enterprise plan.
Coach: Do you think there is relevance for Coaching within the Industry?
Client:vonne: What is coaching and how does it work
Coach: I will account for as we go
Coach: What do you think is the most leading key factor of your business?
Client: making money to keep the doors open, we have tried everything
Coach: What if I could share a inexpressive with you, to help you identify what the key factor is and then work towards all other objectives.
Client: I am willing to try anyone at this stage
Coach: The inexpressive is your staff; we will need to look at the staff, at a one on one situation get their belief in themselves then the business. Secondly I can then look at the enterprise plan as to where it is at gift and where it needs to be
Client: We have worked with the staff, and even had head office come and spend time with them
Coach: I am aware their training is one of the best, although I have a law using life/business coaching, this is intergraded into your enterprise straight through one on one sessions to get the best results every time, and it will gain productivity naturally.
Client: How long will it take and how much does this cost
Coach: That is totally up to you on how long you need and want to work with the staff.

Coach: Lets start at the beginning, Lets look at the enterprise plan and see where it is at first, then we can plan to meet staff and plan some one on one sessions. Do you see if there is relevance for coaching now within the Industry?
Client: Yes, very engaging subject

The main conference was Client had tried everything and spent a lot of money on training, although could not identify what the qoute was, and what she could do about expanding the estimate of money advent into the salon, and why the staff were unhappy within their environment.

Outcome:Schedules 2 hours with seeing at the enterprise then booked each staff member into sessions over an 8 week duration to gain a result.

Coach - is to teach you on how to look within for the answers and gain a focus on where and want you want, to guide you straight through to your objective.

Consultant - advise, report, anaysise, advise and impeliment.
Firstly seeing at the structure of the business, even though productivity in the workplace is the key focus, the need to look at the structure. It is vital to anaylising where the enterprise is, and where it needs to be, in all aspects to get the best outcome.

Looking at the enterprise plan, skills and accreditation gained from life coaching academy

1. compose a Business

2. compose enterprise networks
3. Build client/staff relationships
4. Promote products and services
5. Undertake financial planning
6. Monitor and manage enterprise operations
7. Promote the business
8. Undertake enterprise planning
9. compose work priorities
10. identify market opportunity/ Marketing/Networking
11. Staff amelioration and training.

Key priorities to look at only, enterprise plan, marketing strategies, legal requirements, staffing procedures, stock procedures, and of procedure financial procedures will give you a clear photo as to where the enterprise is at gift and how it is run at present, Then you can focus on where it needs to be in the future.

Once a clear comprehension on the enterprise plan and the enterprise objective, the key factors of productivity are analysed. This is where it gets exciting-.

There would be a need for many sessions; each staff member may need a various estimate of sessions, depending on their needs and objectives. This would be an eight week project.

Using the Grow model, and the enterprise amelioration skills learnt, applied them in a way of step by step, session by session, gaining an comprehension into each staff member and their personal goals, then their enterprise goals.

Some facts; for example an laborer may not have been happy with the working conditions or pay rate he/she thought they were worth, thus leaving the staff member feeling resentful towards the manager (unproductive). This where the enterprise coach gets "reality" and "options" working within the "Grow" model. qoute is solved when the manager is aware by way of reporting and staff member is happy as they can see an outcome. (Productive).

Being able to sort straight through all issues, all staff members and enterprise owner are united and all knowing what is thinkable, of each other and what is deserving to one other and most importantly where the enterprise should be all with the same outlook increase the salon productivity as a team as the outcome.

It is so straightforward to obtain, although so many businesses miss this key point / objective.

All staff and enterprise owner had a personal objective and a enterprise objective, that they were confused on, and did not how to move forward.

Within the first session they were making progress, making the choice to deal with the personal issues first as to have each staff member feeling oneself before engaging on to the enterprise objectives. It only takes three sessions to have a happy effective staff member, thus a happy enterprise owner.

The enterprise was on target within a execution level the staff were all working together and were seeing and working as a team with a clear comprehension where each person stood and what was thinkable, from each other and what the enterprise thinkable, from them.

The enterprise had an increase in staff productivity like never before, it had increased by75%. Each staff member were set targets by the business, most importantly they all had set personal targets for them selves, of procedure they exceeded all targets beyond comprehension. They were so excited on how they had achieved this. The truth is, they achieved this themselves, they had taken accountability and had made choice for themselves first then the business.

Coaching defiantly worked within this singular salon, and there is a need for Coaching within the attractiveness Industry..

Using the Grow Model Objective, attaining a goal, options, way forward. Works every time.
Due to the success with pro Cuts Beenleigh, I have successfully gained other position with in the attractiveness manufactures as Training and amelioration manager for other franchise enterprise "Hair House Warehouse" for an owner who owns several salons. Due to the findings in this explore project.

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