Friday, August 31, 2012

Would Your Best Friend Make a Good Therapy Dog?

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Do you know about - Would Your Best Friend Make a Good Therapy Dog?

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Service dogs are production the news more and more often - and with good reason.

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How is Would Your Best Friend Make a Good Therapy Dog?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Physical Therapy Schools.

Seeing-eye dogs have been nearby for a long time, and we have dogs to help the deaf and do errands for population in wheel-chairs. Now, taking dogs into hospitals, nursing homes, and schools for troubled children is a growing trend.

As humans begin to understand the very real need for total acceptance and a kind touch, we're realizing that dogs can often help population more than population can help people.

These are known as therapy dogs, and they can soothe the most troubled soul. Straight through their unconditional acceptance and love, they touch population who are too shy, afraid, or embarrassed to interact with humans. They allow those population to reach out to touch and hug a living being without fear of reprisal or rejection. And perhaps giving love is as prominent as receiving it.

Research is now showing that these dogs help population heal, both physically and emotionally.

Personality plays a huge part. It takes a calm canine to be a therapy dog - and one who enjoys being touched and petted and hugged by a collection of different people. Some dogs just have an plenty of love to give.

It also takes some obedience training, since the dogs must promptly react to commands such as sit, down, and stay. They must not get excited at strange sights and sounds, but remain calm at all times.

For this reason, some of the best therapy dogs are older. Some are even dogs who were abandoned or turned in at shelters for the sin of aging.

Therapy Dogs International was established in 1970 and certifies dogs for therapy work. Right now, about 15,000 dogs and 13,000 handlers are registered with Tdi. The Delta Society, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, also trains human-animal teams for therapy work. Their schedule goes beyond dogs to comprise cats, chickens, rabbits, donkeys, goats, horses, and more. The majority, however, are dogs.

Because dogs aren't allowed into hospitals all alone, they must have a handler. This someone must possess the same loving and calm personality as the dogs. Depending upon the need, the dog and handler might spend an hour or more with just one patient. The handler must be as generous as the dog, and willing to listen while population in pain tell their stories.

Many therapy dog handlers are volunteers. They and their dogs donate their time out of a genuine desire to help their fellow man.

If you think you and your dog would make a good therapy team, visit [http://www.tdi-org] or for facts on becoming certified.

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